Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1 - Overview of Agile

    • Overview of Agile
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 2

    Chapter 2 - History of Software

    • History of software development
    • Chapter 2 Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 3

    Chapter 3 - What is Agile?

    • Defining Agile
    • Understanding the genesis of the agile manifesto
    • Chapter 3 Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 4

    Chapter 4 - Agile Adoption Trends

    • Agile Adoption & Trends
    • Chapter Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 5

    Chapter 5 - Introduction to SCRUM

    • Origins of SCRUM
    • What is SCRUM
    • What is Sprint
    • Chapter Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 6

    Chapter 6 - SCRUM Roles

    • SCRUM Master
    • Product Owner
    • Development Team
    • Chapter Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 7

    Chapter 7 - SCRUM ceremonies

    • SCRUM ceremonies
    • Sprint Planning
    • Daily Stand-up
    • Sprint backlog refinement
    • Sprint Review
    • Sprint Retrospective
    • Chapter Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 8

    Chapter 8 - Introduction to Stories

    • Origin of a story
    • 3 C’s of a story
    • INVEST principle
    • Story Writing
    • Epics, Stories and Spikes
    • Chapter 8 Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 9

    Chapter 9 - Story Point Estimation

    • Story Points and Estimations
    • Chapter 9 Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 10

    Chapter 10 - Minimum Viable Product

    • Minimum Viable Product
    • Chapter 10 Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 11

    Chapter 11 - Story Maps

    • Story Maps
    • Chapter 11 Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 12

    Chapter 12 - Agile Delivery and Planning

    • 5 Levels of Agile Planning
    • Definition of Done and Ready
    • Tools to plan and track a project
    • Synchronizing Business and IT cycles
    • Chapter 12 Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 13

    Chapter 13 - Barriers to Agile Adoption

    • Knowing the anti-patterns of Agile delivery
    • Chapter 13 Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 14

    Chapter 14 - Other than SCRUM

    • Kanban and Lean
    • Scrum vs Kanban
    • Extreme Programming
    • SAFE framework
    • Chapter 14 Quiz
    • Additional Learning Resources
  • 15


    • Agile Methodolgy Foundations - GuideBook
  • 16

    Recommended Readings & Books

    • Resource Library
    • Recommended Books
  • 17

    Curated Learning Library

    • Introduction
    • Articles
    • Guides
    • Free Courses
    • Videos
    • Tools & Templates