Course curriculum

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    Chapter 2: Overview of Data Analytics Techniques

    • 2.1: Overview of Data Analytics Tools
    • 2.2: Data Analytics Techniques
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    Chapter 3: Data-driven Market Segmentation

    • 3.1: Introduction to Data-driven Segmentation
    • 3.2: Activity: Using Scatter Plot with MobiSmart Data
    • 3.3: R 01 - Read Data
    • 3.4: R 02 - Scatter Plot
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    Chapter 4: Cluster Analysis

    • 4.1: What is Cluster Analysis?
    • 4.2: Dendogram
    • 4.3: R 03 - HAC
    • 4.4: R 04 - Dendrogram
    • 4.5: R 05 - Scree Plot
    • 4.6: Similarity Measures
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    Chapter 5: Clustering Methods

    • 5.1: Hierarchical Clustering
    • 5.2: Linkage in Hierarchical Clustering
    • 5.3: K-Means Clustering
    • 5.4: Activity: K-Means solution for MobiSmart
    • 5.5: R 06 - K-Means
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    Chapter 6: Segmenting Markets

    • 6.1: Identifying Market Segments
    • 6.2: Effective Segmentation
    • 6.3: Activity: MobiSmart - Segment Data
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    Chapter 7: Clustering with Categorical Data

    • 7.1: Clustering With Qualitative Data - Analysing Responses
    • 7.2: Clustering With Qualitative Data - Measuring association
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    Chapter 8: Summary

    • 8.1: Quiz
    • 8.2: Summary
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    Data Sets

    • Data Sets